Tips for work - Montessori

44 Pins
Sensorial Extension Knobless Cylinders Red Rods A child decided to use "Counting icicles" (spindles) in order to make a star atop the tree. We then got a step stool so the children could see their work from a different perspective.
How To Make An “I-Spy” Bottle | The Momerie | Sensory bottles, Toddler activities, Preschool activities
Scala marrone e torre rosa: estensioni
Montessori pink tower/broad stair extensions -- with free download! Love it. A few I haven't seen before. I just love the Montessori materials.
Make a Face! Learning about Emotions
Learning about Emotions with DIY toy with changing faces
Farm Lovin'
Simple farm animal crafts!! my daughter (2) loves animals and animal noises! we do them all - i am that mental mother on the bus mooing like a cow! worth it for a smile though!
paper plate cow craft... Farm animals week for classroom preschoolers
Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits
Its Official. I am a hoarder. Oh, and a Farm Freebie. All of these are free.
Cotton Ball Sheep Craft
Cotton Ball Sheep: After the children bottle fed the lambs, it would be fun to make a sheep using cotton balls for the children to take home. A model would not be shown to the children so that they would use their imaginations to create the head, body, legs, and tail. It is DAP.
Oatmeal container barn - Driving My Tractor, Who's in the Farmyard, How Big is a Pig...what else?