Marco Photography

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Practicing Slowness and Being Present - "If you don’t practice being present, slowing down, enjoying the moment right now, when will you practice? What are you practicing now instead?" ||
5 Creative Macro Photography Ideas that Really Work
Editor’s Note: This is part a series on macro photography this week. Look for a new one each day. The next newsletter will have them all if you miss any! Here are 5 quick creative tips to help you with your macro photography: 1) Use Flash for Tiny Details While a macro lens with a 1:1 …
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Sharon Johnstone is a Birmingham-based fine art nature photographer. Of her Dew Drop photographs, she writes: "With macro photography I escape to another little world. I love finding beautiful colors and abstract compositions within nature. I think I am at my happiest when I am crawling around on my hands and knees exploring a small patch of moss dripping with sparkling dew in the early morning sun."
70 Stunning Examples of Macro and Close-Up Photography | Envato Tuts+
macro photography examples inspiration