
Start A Fire
What's a website of crochet daily beauty without Kristin Omdahl? It just wouldn't make any sense, would it? Kristin started her own line of extraordinary yarn last year and she's provided some patterns to support the line. It was quite an ordeal for me to choose a favorite. I decided on Sweet Cla
Colour Block Top
Colour Block Top - Uses Light Yarn (3) and a 8mm/L11 hook. I love how this top looks, but I don't like the way extra large hooks work with thin yarn - Hence, this became a Pin-Didnt.
Крючок. Топы, блузки, кофты | Женская одежда крючком. Схемы и описание
Крючок. Топы, блузки, кофты / Вязание крючком / Женская одежда крючком. Схемы.