
13 Pins
Photo Wall Ideas and Inspiration - The Idea Room
Looking for inspiration to create your own gallery or photo wall? Check out these lovely inspiration photos to help inspire you to create your own gallery.
Bender Photo Collage - I used a 4' x 6' canvas with 12"x 14" blocks of 4x6"photos. Think quilt blocks. Glue pictures on with Elmers glue leaving a small border between. I nailed (every 12 inches or so)the canvas to wall behind random pictures to keep it smooth. We bought "primed" molding to frame it and nailed to wall. Paint trim to match woodwork. This has been up 18 months and still smooth.
Stepping It Up In Style: 50 Ladder Shelves And Display Ideas
Paint a ladder and hang as a shelf/wardrobe
DIY Frame Key Holder | Click Pic for 20 DIY Small Apartment Organization Ideas for the Home | Easy Storage Ideas for Bedrooms Dollar Stores
Kommoden & Kleiderschränke -
Garderoben - Schwedisches Garderobenregal - ein Designerstück von atelier-nr13 bei DaWanda