Plants I Love

Somebody else's vegetable garden
Veggie garden. Oh to be this organised, Starting a polytunnel soon, so better get my skates on :)
Orchids—A Bouquet of Adaptations
Orchids, orchids, orchids, I love these plants. So easy to grow indoors, my living room is full of them.
Tibouchina lepidota - Planting, growing and propagating information from iGarden
Tibouchina, Im growing this too in my living room, wish it would flower though, real pretty.
welcome to:
Bougainvillea- growing three of these as well in my living room, a little bit harder to take care of, but I do get some colorful flowers. Love this plant
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Have decided to try and grow one of these in my Living Room. Hope it works for me, cuz they are so pretty :-)