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Maddi_2001 on iFunny
glad i dont sleep walk<<<< I do, and I do these things as well. My sister feels their pain.
Never Classy - Your Source of Never Classy Always Trashy
Film class follow LOLFACTORY on tumblr[this funny picture via...
A Student Rick-Rolled His Physics Teacher In Spectacular Fashion
A Student Rick-Rolled His Physics Teacher In Spectacular Fashion
I've done this...they're not lying. it's literal hell... We call it the beep test
I had read this pun awhile ago and couldn’t find it. This is REALLY IMPORTANT! I don’t have anything like this, but it’s just plain wrong to do this! Why would anyone find this okay?
Every letter and numeral in English is in this diagram. Every English language book you've ever read is right there. *brain explodes* {edited to add: if you can't find a letter, read the comments, someone has probably explained where to find what you're looking for already}