LOGO: Real-World Inspiration

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I took this picture while I was out for a walk recently. I just loved how all the branches of the different trees crossed over to create the impression that you were walking into some kind of branch entangled tunnel. I thought about my logo design again while taking the picture and wondered about playing around with ideas of entangled branches especially with how a word could be spelled out within the branches.
Colour Appreciation
'Sunshine came softly through my window today' - the lyrics of Donovan's Sunshine Superman came to mind when I walked into my hall one day a few weeks ago and saw this beautiful array of colours which appeared to be floating and reflecting through the mirror. The sun was shining through the glass on the balcony door and it stopped me in my tracks. We all know what a rainbow is and learned about light, reflection and refraction in school but seeing this made me appreciate it so much more.
200-Year-Old Tree
Including some more pictures of the inspiring 200-year-old tree because it conveys strength and stability, nature and nurture to me which I want to channel into this logo.
200-Year-Old Tree
This is a picture I took of a beautiful tree in my boyfriend's house just outside Paris. This tree has seen some things. It is stunning to look at and hugely powerful standing the test of time so calmly and confidently. This tree really inspired me to realise the power and strength that a tree can convey especially in the sense of people seeking help as is the case with play therapy they want to feel stronger and something as simple as this tree helped me with the emotion behind the logo.
Spirit Ball
This is a spirit ball that I have it my bedroom. It was a gift and it is said to clear negative energy. I think it is beautiful and while it is not necessarily a defined tree it gives the impression or feeling of a tree inside. I love how the colours change with the light and the 'tree' changes with the positioning. It made me think about the tree design in an abstract way and this idea of blending colours almost in a watercolour effect.
This board shows some things I came across out and about in the real world that related to or inspired an element of the design process in some way. These are here to show my expanded thought process, how I took inspiration from the everyday things around me and incorporated them into the creative process.