LOGO: Sketches

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Stage 4
I really wanted to make the C curve work as the design of the tree trunk. I tried it again and again on paper I think once you have an idea it's hard to plan it out exactly how you want it digitally (especially when you can't draw!) so this process was a bit repetitive and frustrating so I kept simplyifying and simplfying as much as possible because it's a little bit busy I want to make sure it is legible and conveys everything the client wants (details outlined in my report).
Stage 3
My frustration with trying to draw a person into the tree led me to the bottom sketch which was a breakthrough moment for me. Getting the curve of the tree to be the letter "C" in "Cara Play Therapy". This idea really stood out to me and I wanted to develop it further which I did on the next page.
Stage 2
From trying out some leaves I came up with having leaves on top and incorporating some kind of person in the trunk of the tree for strength and growth and well-rooted etc. I like how the branches of the tree are like the arms of the person and it flows together well but it reminds me more of a Credit Union logo not something for play therapy so I moved away from that and revisted the tree. I decided to try incorporating a swingset as my client had mentioned this to me, I think it is a nice idea
Stage 1
Using a Moleskin Smart Notebook which uploads drawings on paper directly to an app on my phone, I started planning the idea of a tree/leaves. It was important to the client to have nature, growth and a sense of calm conveyed in the logo so I wanted to explore tree ideas. Trees are commonly used in logos across different industries so I wanted to incorporate more elements of play therapy and what that is. I tried roots reflecting branches, adding an apple etc and tried some leafy options.