30 Pins
What Is The Most Beautiful Name For A Cat?
"Since each of us is only blessed with one life, why not live it with a cat?" --Robert Stearns
CyBeRGaTa - Mostly Cats, New Mexico & Memes
rip my baby kitty i will miss you but you will always be with me because you left a pawprint on my heart
Cool Cat Tree House - Time spent with a cat is never wasted.
Birman Cats at www.coolcattreehouse.com
Lady Toffee
"A cat is better than you are, more honest, more graceful, smarter for her size, better coordinated, and infinitely more beautiful." --Lenore Fleisher
Impossibly Cute Furball - 18th February 2014
"There is something about the presence of a cat that seems to take the bite out of being alone." --Louis J Camuti
Cat Logic! - 22nd September 2014
so pretty...... Himalayan cat - Himalayan cats are the result of crossbreeding Siamese with Persian cats.
a calico bunny I want it! If anyone shows up at my house on my bday with one you would be my fav person and BFF!
now audacit.tumblr.com :)
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Simple Pleasures...all in Bokeh
This is me. Are you friendly? Can I trust you? If not, I'm leaving. Buh bye.