sports day team building

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Corrida do bambolê com bastão
Atividade corrida do bambolê com bastão🏃‍♀🏃 Essa atividade é muito divertida e super dinâmica. Nela trabalhamos agilidade, velocidade, coordenação motora e percepção de distâncias. Tá pra brincar em casa com a família também😉 Professora quer ter acesso à planejamentos anuais editáveis em Word de acordo com os códigos da BNCC? Temos planejamentos do berçário ao 9º ano!🎯 CORRE LÁ NO LINK NA BIO! Reposted from @educaprofessor
a group of children standing on top of a grass covered field next to each other
water balloon toss is great fun for two people or a group.
a group of young children standing around each other
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Wet noodle is so fun. Watch this demo! Tape a cup full of water to the top of a pool noodle. I'd tape a "hold here" on the noodle. The kids race to pass it up and down the line without spilling the water.
a group of children playing with balls in the grass
Kangaroo hop relay race - VBS game
a group of people standing around on top of a red mat covered in skis
Omg how fun does this look!!
Teamwork game. Counselors on one team against campers on the other.... Involves beach ball an water guns,shooers or the like. aim is to get ball to other teams court. Great summer fun for a HOT day!! Outdoor Games, Zermatt, Giant Games, Water Games, Yard Games, Backyard Games, Lawn Games, Diy Games, Family Adventure
Teamwork game. Counselors on one team against campers on the other.... Involves beach ball an water guns,shooers or the like. aim is to get ball to other teams court. Great summer fun for a HOT day!!
a group of young women standing next to each other with red balloons in front of them
Caterpillar Race....Have your kids form teams (At least two) and form a straight line. In between each player is a balloon and they must get to the finish line without dropping their balloon. They can only keep their balloons from dropping by using their chest and the other players back. If a balloon drops, then the team must stop and pick it back up.