PARTY IDEAS: paintball

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1 YD Grosgrain Ribbon 1 CAMO I'm the Pink in by sksribbonsandmore, $1.15
Parent details printed on labels. Cans filled with gum balls found at Party City. Waiver for paintball printed and included in can.
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Paintball or Painting Invitation Printable by ThatPartyChick, $15.00
Paintball party favors! Sports water bottle with name and paint splatters filled with gum balls!!
Paintballing Paintball Party Party Ideas | Photo 8 of 9
Paintball cake
Code Red Mobile Laser Tag | Laser Tag Birthday Party Ideas
One of the best party ideas ever!We are Code Red Laser Tag. We are based in Dallas / Ft. Worth, Tx and we bring the game to you. We started with a desire to bring reality to video games and take the sting out of paintball. This is what we’ve come up with… Log on
Army Birthday Party
More activity ideas to entertain the 8 kids under the age of 14 that we have attending our graduation/enlistment party for our son in May. Urban Daisies: Army Birthday Party
My paintball hen's party adventure • Offbeat Wed (was Offbeat Bride)
I'm by no means a pro paintball player — I just think it's hilarious fun! So for my hen's weekend [aka "bachelorette weekend"], I demanded we go and play paintball for a day. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate my upcoming wedding than by running around in the mud and shooting my best friends. Everyone wore the most hideous bridesmaid dress they could find (or make).