54 Pins
New Survey Reveals Alarming Impact of Dyspraxia on Teens' Mental Health
Dyspraxia Foundation this week launches a new survey which reveals the worrying impact of dyspraxia (a form of developmental coordination disorder) on teenagers’ mental health.
How Parents Can Help Their Child With Dyspraxia
How Parents Can Help Their Child With Dyspraxia - Talks - dysTalk
Savez-vous planter des choux ?
Je me demandais comment réagir quand des élèves se moquent de notre enfant à l’école. Que lui dire ? Comment le rassurer ? Comment lui apprendre à réagir correctement et de façon respectueuse ? Avez-vous des pistes ? Qu’y a-t-il de plus souffrant pour un Lire plus » »
Breakthrough Study Reveals Biological Basis for Sensory Processing Disorders in Kids
Breakthrough Study Reveals Biological Basis for Sensory Processing Disorders in Kids
The evolutionary history of your incredibly awkward feelings
The evolutionary history of your incredibly awkward feelings | Popular Science
Inside the Mind of an Awkward Person
Author Ty Tashiro Explains How to Overcome Awkwardness - The Atlantic
A psychologist’s surprisingly reassuring advice for socially awkward people
Don't worry about whether or not you seem cool—just focus on treating others with respect.
In grade school, kids who struggle to understand social cues can have trouble responding to others people's tone of voice and body language. Learn more about how you can help your child with social cues on Understood.org.
A day in the life of a child with executive function challenges
Some kids have a really tough time getting organized and starting tasks. Planning, focusing and using working memory can be big challenges too. Use this visual guide to see how executive functioning issues can affect a child’s daily life.
Understood - For learning and thinking differences
Dyspraxia can affect the way your child relates to family, teachers and classmates. Here you'll find six ways that kids with dyspraxia may struggle with social skills—and the reasons behind this.
6 Things Parents Should Know About Core Stability and the Development of Movement - HeartSpace Physical Therapy
6 Things Parents Should Know About Core Stability and the Development of Movement