103 Pins
壁/天井の投稿画像 by *maiya*さん|多肉植物と多肉植物寄せ植えとリメ缶と多肉棚とリメ缶バッグと多肉植物と多肉植物寄せ植えとリメ缶と多肉棚とリメ缶バッグ (2017月5月12日)|🍀GreenSnap(グリーンスナップ)|🍀GreenSnap(グリーンスナップ)
Few things offer as much pride as something that you’ve made entirely on your own. You can mix and match different bits of driftwood together to create stars, abstract designs, or whatever your heart desires. If you can also practice woodburning, this is a great alternative to those $!5 customizable ornaments you see online. Everyone wants their first Christmas with the new baby to be memorable, and nothing is going to be treasured quite like a handmade item like this.