Hi everyone! I couldn't decide how to do the #may #coverpage so I did many different #lettering all together Enjoy! . . . #bujo…
Autumn Hand Lettering
Autumn Hand Lettering Idea #darbysmart #diy #diyprojects #diyideas #diycrafts #easydiy #artsandcrafts #calligraphy #moderncalligraphy #brushcalligraphy #brushlettering #handlettering #handwritingtips #watercolorcalligraphy #brushpens #watercolorpen
Carte de Voeux 2019 - Nouvel An
Happy new year 2019 idée de carte de vœux écriture tricolore nuances de bleu dessin motif floral feuilles d'arbres noir et blanc doodle doodling bonne année eucalyptus bullet journal journaling bujo calligraphy #bulletjournal #bujo #bujocover #happynewyear #blue #floralpattern #drawing #tutoriel #tuto #doodle #cartedevoeux #kidscraft #craftforkids
DIY bujo - Vegetal inspired monthly cover - Jannuary
monhtly cover page de bullet journal urban jungle inspired vegetal drawing
#bujo #bulletjournal #studygram #brushpen #brushlettering #monthlyplanner #bulletjournalss #bujo #bulletjournal #bulletjournals #study #studyblr #studygram #studyspiration #motivation #stationery #planner #pens #washitape #bulletjournals #plan #studying #bujoweeklyspread #journals #notes #studyaddict #stationeryaddict #journal #studyspo #studyinspo #journal #bujoideas #bulletjournaljunkies