
51 Pins
Ornament gift for the girls on Christmas morning - store in freezer night before...nice and cold...from the North Pole
Short Christmas Action Songs for 2-4 year olds
Christmas Action Songs for 2-4 Year Olds - Kids' Songs for Christmas - Let's Play Music
Mums Make Lists | How to organise your family home and life
20 Beautiful Washi Tape Christmas Craft Ideas - Advent calendars, wreaths, decorations, gift wrapping, Christmas wall trees...
Easy, Fast, and Cheap Holiday Craft - The Elf Hat! - Fun Learning Life
Easy, Fast, and Cheap Holiday Craft - The Elf Hat!
Don't Ring the Bells Obstacle Course
Your children will love this fabulous obstacle course and listening game - just be sure not to ring those bells!
What's in the Stocking? 20 questions game (adapted for K) Write 1-20 on board. S. ask teacher yes/no questions to figure out object in stocking. Erase a number after each ?
Try These Super Cool Jingle Bells Activities Today
Christmas Activities for Kids - Activities Using Jingle Bells - They pair great with magnets and lids for some fine motor Christmas themed fun!
Magnetic Sensory Bottles - Christmas Activities For Preschool
Fun sensory bottles for Christmas.
30 Perfect Christmas Games for Families
30 Perfect Christmas Games for Families to make family bonding all the more fun!