Still life

67 Pins
Silver Cup with Cherries, J Palmer Daily painting Original oil still life Art
Silver Cup with Cherries, J Palmer Daily painting Original oil still life Art
See the Light — In a Still Life Painting, That Is
Richard Robinson's diagram for understanding light | #StillLife #painting #art
Promoting the best visual artists
art direction | candy toothpaste still life photography - Vanessa McKeown
Maurizio Di Iorio Photography
Maurizio Di Iorio Photography More
____ROMANTIC____ ____NOVEMBER COFFEE___ Good morning friends ☕.Dont forget yours loved once tell him how much you loved him...Lovely greetings.. #antique_r_us#almostperfect_vintage#9vaga_shabbysoft9#lory_vintage#tv_retro#tv_neatly#tv_hiddenbeauty#tv_stillife#tv_living#shabbystyle#romantic#loves_coffeebreak#infinity_cooffelovers#coffeeandseasons#click_dynamic#click_visions#jj_coffeetime#jj_still_life#still_life_gallery_#mokalovers#moka_lovers#kings_masterchef#lovers_home4#9vaga_...
A Lilliputian's Journey to Publication: The War of Worldcraft: Creating New Worlds
Images Done Right
This image clearly shows the use of photoshop, in which the creator has ironically and cleverly manipulated the natural flame on the candle to represent its opposition 'water'.
iNW-LiVE Daily Picdump #180213
Shopped!, is the constant cry of internets sceptic and avid web browser. But after seeing Thomas Barbys works many sceptics are pleased to say Shopped. Barbys surrealistic manipulations are not only works of retouching and airbrushing he also sticks the negatives together, photographs them, uses other techniques to reach the concept vision he had in his mind first but few are able to resist the gripping illusion.