Numeracy Resources

56 Pins
Just a little post...
This 2D shapes chart would be great to display in your classroom when you are teaching these shapes! This way your students wouldn't have to ask you how many sides a pentagon has...they can just look at the chart! 5159
FREE Printable Hoppy Addition Frog Math Game
FREE Frog Addition Game - this is such a fun way for kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade kids to practice addition with a fun twist. This makes great extra practice for spring break, summer learning, math centers, and more.
Little Lovely Leaders
Freebie- Math Alphabet Posters as seen on Third Grade Troop
Angles, Angles, Angles!
Teaching With A Mountain View blog - different kinds of angles. Will need to make definitions refer to right angles
Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour - Ladybug Partner Bingo
Time anchor chart
Math Anchor Charts
This chart will be of great use for Common Core math when students come to story problems. Great key words!
Lots of Randomness and Updates...
Great list - develop as a class as the year goes on and you teach different strategies!