make up

9 Pins
DIY makeup remover. Easy to make, super cheap, and removes even the toughest waterproof makeup. Here's the recipe: 1 cup water; 1.5 TBSP Baby Shampoo Tear-Free; 1/8 TSP olive oil or coconut oil. Shake and save or share with friends!
Military Diet: Lose Up to Ten Pounds in Three Days
3-day military diet. apparently you can lose up to ten lbs. in 3 days, with this special diet. Take a four day break and do it again until you've achieved your goal... Pinner checked it w/ her medic hubs & he said it's good to try!
How Often Do You Clean Your Makeup Brushes?
Tutorial on how & why to properly clean your makeup brushes. (a tablespoon of white vinegar in a cup of hot water, and a 20 minute soak, followed by a hot, then cold rinse and pat dry will do it. Disinfects, dissolves grease/makeup, leaves no film, and inexpensive.)
MY SPOON STORY ~ Apply Eyeliner & Mascara,Curl your Lashes ~
1.How to Apply winged Eyeliner using a Spoon *warning: this is a pretty ridiculous video, but I wanna try this!
white...tutorial here | Marby B.'s (marby) Photo