Measures - Money

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Digging Deeper into ... Money (all classes) -
Digging deeper into Money - post from Operation Maths
Primary CPD
Recognising the value of each individual coin is one thing, recognising that one coin can be exchanged for a number of coins of equal value is very different. This is why it can be very useful to represent the value of the coins concretely. This can be done by attaching coins to large squared card and/or ten and five frames. Grid paper with 2cm squares is perfect for this Full Post:
So Does Mine. A Quick and Fun Way to Look at Coins
The Elementary Math Maniac: So Does Mine. A Quick and Fun Way to Look at Coins
Money Apps :: Money Worksheets :: Money Games
Website with lots of Euro money games! Help students learn about counting money, buying items, change, etc.
Quick interactive for teaching how to mentally calculate 10% & 20% of money amounts (in GBP but could be adapted to suit any currency)
Moneyville is a fun and entertaining online game that gives your child a basic understanding of the value of money and the basic principles behind earning and spending money.
Problem-Solving - Is It a Bargain?
Problem-Solving - Is It a Bargain? | SchoolsWorld
Loose Change - learning money game
Loose Change - learn money game available in euro and many other currencies
That Quiz: euro activities (US & UK also available)