Measures - Time

24 Pins
The One-Handed Clock in a Digital Era
The One-Handed Clock in a Digital Era
#Measurement | Class Roome
For teens who don't know how to tell time: Teaching Time-anchor chart connecting telling time to the quarter and half hour with fractions of a circle.
School Websites, Communications & Enrollment Platform | Finalsite
We create and use "peek-a-boo" clocks during our time unit. These are clocks made from two paper plates. The top plate has the clock face with numbers written in red. These numbers are cut so that they lift to show the minute numbers (written on the bottom plate) in blue. The hands of the clock are bobby pins (one small and one large) spray painted red (hour hand) to match the numbers on the clock face and blue (minute hand) to match the numbers underneath the flap.
Math Coach's Corner
Math Coach's Corner: The Evolution of a Number Bond. Understanding number bonds and how to compose and decompose numbers are incredibly powerful number sense skills that can benefit students of all ages. See examples from Kindergarten through 4th grade.
Time Teller - Lift and Peek
Why didn't I think of this? Genius way to teach your kid to tell time
Mrs. T's First Grade: Telling Time: Human Clock. This was pretty fun in the 5E!
The BEST and BRIGHTEST of 2012!
Clock Foldable Freebie
hands-on investigation for learning how to understand time!
Interactive telling time | best apps for kids | Android iPad iPhone
KIDS: Interactive telling time
Measuring: Time and date
Hours vs minutes game