For my Police Officer

Everything your officer can use, like, and love. || quotes | training | husband | appreciation | gifts | girlfriend | wife | female | photography | wedding | prayer | tattoos | humor | uniform | police wife |
2,626 Pins
3 Ways to Help Your Police Officer When They Come Off Shift
When your spouse works a dangerous job mixed with shift work, it is NORMAL to feel happy, excited, emotional or relieved when he/she comes home safely after shift. Here's how to help them as they get back home.
Police Appreciation Dates You Need to Know
Police Appreciation Dates You Need to Know || Easily keep track of important police dates throughout the year so you can celebrate your first responder!
How to Stay Strong When the Support for Law Enforcement is Weak
How to Stay Strong When the Support for Law Enforcement is Weak
Companies that Without a Doubt Support Law Enforcement
Many companies have become vocal about supporting police or not. Here is an exhaustive list with companies that support law enforcement.
You're Married to a Cop: Ways to Help your Spouse Deal with Stress & Trauma
You're Married to a Cop: Ways to Help your Spouse Deal with Stress & Trauma
Top 5 Ways to Know Your Husband Works Night Shift
Top 5 Ways to Know Your Husband Works Night Shift
The #1 Buying/Selling Home Program for First Responders
The #1 Buying/Selling Home Program for First Responders
11 things guaranteed to happen when your spouse works night shift
11 things guaranteed to happen when your spouse works night shift | #nightshift |#policeofficer |#policewife
6 Ways to Help your Officer Decompress when Off Duty
6 Ways to help your Officer Decompress when Off Duty |#proudpolicewife | #policewife |#offduty |#policeofficer |#relax |#lawenforcement
Hold the Line: Support for Police Families
Have you ever said or been told “law enforcement is just a job”?
3 Immediate Ways to Help Your Spouse After a Critical Incident
3 Immediate Ways to Help Your Spouse After a Critical Incident
Gift Ideas for the Police Officer that is Hard to Shop For
This may be my most asked for gift guide for cops. It can be hard to know what to buy for a police officer or what they may need. This guide should help with ideas for that police officer that just feels impossible to shop for.
Here's What We Did "Sign Up For" as a Law Enforcement Family
People say "you signed up for this" in regards to law enforcement. But here is what we actually signed up for as a law enforcement family.
10 Assumptions People Need to STOP Making About Law Enforcement
People assume so much about law enforcement officers without knowing the truth. Here are 10 assumptions people need to STOP making about law enforcement.