Theatre sets

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The lighting used on this set, creates a nice even wash through out the entire set, therefor you can see everything on stage, evenly lit all through, because of the profiles having soft edges, therefore you can mash multiple lights together without making the stage look patchy.
Colin Richmond Design is under construction
Dancing at Lughnasa. Birmingham Rep. Scenic design by Colin Richmond. 2010
sparse set
minimalist scenic design - Google Search
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A View From the Bridge. Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Scenic design by William Bloodgood. 2008
Beowulf Boritt Design - Midsummer Night's Dream
Midsummer Night's Dream. Free Shakespeare on Boston Common. Scenic design by Beowulf Boritt Design. 2007
Theater and Opera — NEIL PATEL
Romeo and Juliet. McCarter Theater. Scenic design by Neil Patel. 2001