
9 Pins
Cadence prosthetic and pedal for amputee cyclists
Cadence by Seth Astle, winner of the gold 2011 IDEA (Industrial Design Excellence Award) is a prosthetic and pedal for cyclists who are below-the-knee amputees and helps restore proper cycling movements and efficiency.
Industrial designer Scott Summit makes beautiful prosthetics
Industrial designer Scott Summit makes beautiful prosthetics
Product/industrial design inspiration | #948 – From up North
Product/industrial design inspiration | #948
A Prosthetic Leg Designed Specifically for Rock Climbers
A Prosthetic Leg Designed Specifically for Rock Climbers
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
This beautiful cabinet beetle was created by designer Janis Straupe. He is one of the finest, brightest and most respected woodcarvers who has been in the business for more than 30 years. Perfect for that someone who already has everything and is really into Egyptology, maybe art deco, or possibly Journey.