Gardens inspired

9 Pins
Here's How to Plant 13 of Your Favorite Bulbs for a Pretty Spring Show
Planting Charts for Spring-Flowering Bulbs This handy chart takes the guesswork out of planting bulbs.
Don't have a watering can that pours how you like? Make one out of a gallon jug.
Don't have a watering can that pours how you like? Make one out of a gallon jug. | 30 Insanely Clever Gardening Tricks
MMM - Melbourne mishmash (insieme di cose che non c'entrano nulla fra loro)
mosaic board with half-teacups/coffee mugs - to plant succulents and/or herbs…
27 Pieces Of Street Art That Interact With Nature - 1001 Gardens
27 Pieces Of Street Art That Interact With Nature Guerrilla Gardening