Teen post

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Teenager Posts Of The Week!
Lol! My friends asked me what university I wanted to go to and I said "Monsters University!!" And they just looked at me like I was a total idiot! XD
Hi *trips, falls, flips, makes weird faces* ... *Walks away*
I love you, Fridge. <3
Hi there
haha! this is so me. Also this made me think of you guys :) @Jessica Sutton Duke @Mary Powers Jayne @Bailey Francine Howard @Josi Martinez Iroz
This happens to me everytime!! I sound like a complete hick from the sticks. and not in a cute "southern" way, just the regular, stupid way.
Not 3085 that is disgusting!
Yep, we always debate how much time to allow them before we enter the house. :-)
This is weirdly true..