Stupid Shit

624 Pins
two people standing next to each other near a tree and one is kissing the other
two different pictures of people with long hair and one is looking at another person's face
— Prev End Pitchforks down guys!! I wasn’t going to...
two girls talking to each other while one has her hand on her chin and the other is
an image of two people in the dark with one person hugging and another looking at him
— Prev End Pitchforks down guys!! I wasn’t going to...
an anime scene with two people hugging each other
— Prev End Pitchforks down guys!! I wasn’t going to...
the comic strip shows two people talking to each other
— Prev End Pitchforks down guys!! I wasn’t going to...
two people sitting next to each other in front of a comic strip with caption saying, i don't know what you're talking about
two people are holding hands and one has a speech bubble above their head that says, my hand's art club
— Prev End Pitchforks down guys!! I wasn’t going to...