
29 Pins
Conference Form and Rubrics for the Primary Grades
Hi Everyone! I am happy to announce that I am finished with conferences! My first year teaching first grade, I decided that in order ...
Balanced Literacy Diet has moved to a new location | Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
The Conversation Station - A Centre for Developing Oral Language and Vocabulary Skills: Food Group - Oral Language & ELL
FREE Phonics Assessment for K-3rd grades
FREE Phonics Assessment for K-3 ~ a quick way to see what phonics skills your child/student needs to learn | This Reading Mama
FREE Beginning Literacy Assessment for Pre-K and Kindergarten - aligns with most WAkids needs
Scholastic Teaching Tools | Resources for Teachers
This is really good stuff -- all kinds of Writing Workshop lessons, SMART Board resources, showing/not telling, etc.
Stoplight Student Assessment Cards/Posters Classroom 11 x 17 Included from MrMathCoach Math Resource on (10 pages)
Stoplight Student Assessment Cards/Posters Classroom 11 x 17 Included from MrMathCoach Math Resource on - (10 pages)
Setting Goals in Writing
Writing Goal Board Students use post-its to self-edit each piece of writing for spacing, punctuation, capitalization, and sight word spelling
Student Writing Self-Check Assessment Rubric
This is a self-assessment rubric for students to evaluate their own writing (primary grades). This format has 2 sheets per page. It is a Word document so that you can edit the criteria students will check themselves on. Currently it has: -My sentences start with a capital letter. -Every sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. -I did my best at spelling. -I used my neatest handwriting. -My story makes sense to me.
Success Criteria in the classroom - so good to use with students