
6 Pins
This is something I really struggle with as a teacher. I try to help my students to work within the boundaries that we set them when sometimes I all I want to do is help them break out. I feel that sometimes I am simply training them to be part of a rat race I don't believe in.
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Durkheimian sociology vs. Weberian sociology [follow these links to find a bundle of clips related to these two classic social theorists: and]
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Key Works in Sociology- Picasa Web Albums - Norton Sociology
my blue canoe
“We don't see things as they are, we see them as WE are.” ― Anaïs Nin ... First pin for the 5 Soc boards, this really caught my eye because everyone sees things differently and well, that's because we are all our own beings and are obviously incredibly different. "...We see things as WE are" Lovely.
What Is Theory? A Precautionary Tale
The Logic of Sociology [click on this image to find a short clip and analysis, which remarks on the role of theory in sociology] via Jessica Leveto