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Our Elementary Lives
Creating a bucket filling classroom has everything you need to teach this unique concept. The blog post explains exactly how a first grade teacher teaches her students how to be bucket fillers. From a read aloud for Have You Filled a Bucket Today? to sorts, activities & certificates, this blog post has everything you need to be a bucket filling classroom. A bucket filler craft and bulletin board idea are also included. Teaching this concept with transform your classroom.
Filling Our Buckets
Bucket Fillers and Bucket Dippers - a fabulous book I used with adults in treatment, too!
I'm a Bucket Filler chant...love this to go with the bucket in my room!
Bucket Filler Activities: Stellar Ways to Encourage Kindness to Kids
Tons of bucket filler activities and ideas for the classroom. Help kids learn to be kind and act as bucket fillers not bucket dippers with these ideas for bucket filler anchor charts, bulletin board displays, writing activities, books and videos, and printables. #bucketfiller #socialemotionallearning #charactereducation #booksforkids #kindnessbooks #beabucketfiller #kindnessactivities #bucketfilleractivities
10 Ways To Build Community and a Sense of Belonging in Your Classroom
12 Ways to Build Strong Classroom Community With Students
32 Bucket Filler Activities To Spread Kindness in Your Classroom
These 21 Bucket Filler Activities Will Spread Kindness in Your Classroom
Teacher's Pet - High Quality, Downloadable Primary Classroom Resources since 2010!
Teacher's Pet - Behaviour Prompt Cards - FREE Classroom Display Resource - EYFS, KS1, KS2, behaviour, target, reminders, rocket, space, listen, kind, hands, share, prompts
How Full Is Your Bucket?
One of my favorite books to read with kids in therapy is How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids by Tom Rath. In this book, a young boy named Fe...
Spring Poems for Shared Reading Time
A Friendship Flower-We read The Crayon Box That Talked (By Shane Derolf), discussed how we all work together, we are all different, special and unique. Lastly, we colored a flower petal and created unique a classroom flower.