
50 Pins
"Filthy Fifty" Workout, CrossFit Benchmark WOD | WODwell
For Time: 50 Box Jumps (24/20 in); 50 Jumping Pull-Ups; 50 Kettlebell Swings (1/.75 pood); 50 Walking Lunges; 50 Knees-to-Elbows; 50 Push Press (45/35 lbs); 50 Back Extensions; 50 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs); 50 Burpees; 50 Double-Unders
"Loredo" Workout, CrossFit Hero WOD | WODwell
"Loredo" WOD - 6 Rounds For Time: 24 Air Squats; 24 Push-Ups; 24 Walking Lunges; 400 Meter Run
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"Donny" WOD - 21-15-9-9-15-21 Reps, For Time: Deadlifts (225/155 lb); Burpees #ladybossfitness
"Hotel Hell" Workout, Benchmark WOD | WODwell
The "Hotel Hell" workout, made popular via YouTube 7 years ago tomorrow, March 27, 2011, featuring CrossFit Games athlete, Jason Khalipa, demonstrates a great workout you can do in your hotel, with just a pair of dumbbells.
Barehand- Build Better Grip
80 burpees later.. i didn't want to go to the gym so i got my roomies to do this…
27 Fast, Explosive Plyometric Exercises
Get a jump on becoming a #BetterFatBurner! With plyometrics you’ll be increasing muscle fibers and enhancing metabolism. Always make sure your “landings” are soft! If, due to lack of strength, bounding off the floor isn’t happening, know that even the attempt is beneficial.
10 Exercises to Increase Your Running Speed |
Pure speed is the building block of all athletic activity.