
30 Pins
Halloween - Zombie Kids
#13 use archway and fogmachine, crop so the archway has an L shape framing the character leaning towards open part of L shape.
▇꙰░꙰̸͢⃟🍶䨻䨻❳ᱺ RECURS0S & ESTÉTICA ¡!ᱺ〭〬⸽࿑˖͈᪽ᷓ◍̸᳟̈⇡̵᤻᪳❩❩
rapedandnude Ego raptam esse et desolatam
rapedandnude — i’ll keep rebloging this till the day i die
We Heart It
Drunk words, Sober thoughts. #quote #bottle #drunk #drinking #sober #thoughts
Light is fun!
Gray | Grey | Gris | グレー | Grigio | серый | Gurē | Colour | Texture | by Ishna Jacobs More
Songs I Listen To
this is my spotify playlist with 10,000 songs. there are two more playlists if you check my profile. .enjoy.