
16 Pins
15 ways to maximise students' memory | InnerDrive
Asking yourself 'how to revise effectively?' 15 Scientifically proven revision skills that will help reduce exam stress. Perfect revision workshop material
Teacher Tip: Get rid of the papers on your desk by using a hanging file crate! [Cupcakes & Curriculum]
Back to School is No Joking Matter!
"The First Day of School: The Day When the Countdown to the LAST Day of School Begins." (via Kinder-Craze)
25 Ways to Create A Sticky Lesson | InformED
25 Ways to Create A Sticky Lesson - InformED
I'm Sorry is my teaching interrupting you?
I'm so using this line in my classroom!
Funny Seasonal Memes & Ecards | Someecards
It's hard to describe the melancholy that teachers feel when August 1st rolls around.
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I don't go back to being a teacher for another three weeks, but the nightmares have already started!
As a teacher, I train for nine months to become a competitive eater. I can finish a meal in 3.2 seconds flat! 25 minute lunch my arse!
Funny News Memes & Ecards | Someecards