Meghann Smyth

CIG Board
12 Pins
Another clever use of negative space. The original caption of this logo was "handy", so I'm assuming this logo would be for a handyman, and it works quite well. The two hands' negative space forms a letter H. People love logos that use negative space like this, like those clickbait articles for "logos with hidden meanings that will blow your mind"
MM Interiors logo design
I think that this typographic logo is really eye catching. The artist chose to use only the first half of the M's but your eye kind of fills in the blank space anyway because the spacing is just perfect. So simple and elegant.
How to Design Your Own Logo • Nose Graze
i liked this picture because as apart of our CIG class we have to design a logo so this picture made me think of that
I picked this Logo because it was along the lines of what i wanted for my own logo. this will give me an idea for my work in the future.