xmas crafts

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Toilet rowls : TOILET ROLL OWL ORNAMENTS....these are super cute & so easy to make for Christmas! via Crafty Morning Toilet roll owls - toilet http://www.pamspartyandpracticaltips.com/2013/12/snow-owl-ornaments.html
Glittery Snowball Tutorial - Fashion, crafts and more
Garland of Colorful Bows Crochet Pattern
Garland of Colorful Bows Crochet Pattern so pretty and could use colors for holidays, like reds and pinks for valentines day decorations
Aufgebrezelt fürs Oktoberfest
Ja Mei, was für eine schöne Brezen! Frisch gestrickt-lieselt ist sie als Kette, Schlüsselanhänger oder aufgenäht aufs Dirndl ein echter Augenschmaus.
Christmas ornaments
Tricotin Christmas ornaments by Daria | Flickr Kids could do something similar with pipe cleaners and glue their own paper creation back to back in the center.
#Santa's #mailbox #cassetta #posta #babbo #natale #letterina #letter #wishes #desideri #diy #faidate #craft #easy #recycle #glitter #sparkle #luccicante #scintillante #xmas #christmas #natale #holidays #feste #noel #Weihnachten
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