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Nobody questions the value of exercise training for optimal athletic performance and improvement. But rest and recovery is an equally essential component of an exercise program because it gives the body time to repair, rebuild, and strengthen itself between workouts. We all need seven different types of rest to feel fully alive and fully ourselves………the antidote to burnout isn’t just, say, a vacation—it’s identifying the types of rest you need most desperately and adopting small daily strategies
Reframe Self-Doubt and Overcome Cognitive Distortions
Self-doubt is often fueled by cognitive distortions and negative thinking patterns. In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), the CBT triangle—connecting thoughts, feelings, and behaviors—is used to identify and challenge these distortions. By reframing negative thoughts, you can reduce self-doubt and build confidence. SelfDoubt I CBT I CognitiveDistortions I NegativeThinking I CognitiveBehavioralTherapy I ReframeThoughts I MentalHealth I EmotionalWellBeing I SelfBelief I TherapyTools
2024 Mindful Shift: 5 CBT Steps for Mental Strength
Discover 5 easy CBT techniques for a positive mental transformation in 2024. Empower your thoughts, enhance wellness. CBT Techniques I Mental Health 2024 I Mindset Makeover I Emotional Wellness I Cognitive Therapy I Positive Thinking I Mental Resilience I Self-Care Strategies I Mindful Practices I Mental Clarity