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How to Grow Herbs in a Strawberry Pot for a Grab-and-Go Garden
Even if you have a small backyard (or no yard at all), you can still grow a DIY herb garden full of tasty plants like basil, cilantro, rosemary, and more. @twotwentyone shows you how.
Praktischer Wickelaufsatz für die Kommode
Foto von Kundin Marion ähnliche tolle Projekte und Ideen wie im Bild vorgestellt findest du auch in unserem Magazin . Wir freuen uns auf deinen Besuch. Liebe Grüße
A helpful yet simple DIY for spring gardeners!
DIY Watering Jug for spring gardeners! Great for kids to help out in the Garden... Can be made with 1 gallon or 1/2 gallon milk jugs . Includes step x step tutorial !
Reciclando nuestro jardín - Ecocosas
Recycled milk cartons for seedlings - love this idea, wish I had been saving my milk cartons all winter, now its time to plant seedlings and I only have 1! jiffy pods it will have to be til next year!