future adulty thingys

someday imma be responsible
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two screenshots showing the same texts
Also if some creep says loudly 'I don't get a hug?' with the intent of embarassing you, just say back "I don't even know you!" I garuntee every woman in the area will sympathize with you and most men will recognize that this is not a good situation. Someone may try to help you and if nothing else he'll be the one embarassed, not you.
the text is written in red and black on a white background, with an image of a
Even better life hack for purchasing cars: pay for it with a sinking fund. Dazzle the dealers with cold hard cash, wave it in their faces, and then walk away if they try selling for anything more than you offer. Make them beg on their knees for your money, not the other way around.
a computer screen with an email message on it
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the text is written in green and white, with an orange dot at the bottom
a *little* bit of cursing sorry but this is some really good info for the future. LIFE HACKS adulting tips good stuff like that
the text is in black and white, which reads what does it mean to be?
Feminism 101: An Introduction – Kanishka Sikri
Life and musical theatre. Made me feel good since i have opening night tonight for my show! Before Its Too Late Quotes, Its Too Late Quotes, Late Quotes, Musical Theatre Humor, Theater Kid Problems, Theatre Humor, Theatre Jokes, Theatre Inspiration
Life and musical theatre. Made me feel good since i have opening night tonight for my show!
the poem is written in black and white with an image of a bird on it
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