Wreck it

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Page 3 – The Internet's Most Asked Questions
There’s a hole in my notebook. I have every intention of doing this to my notebook later.
Washington DC - 02 (Photo)
I know this is for a travel journal, but I love this kind of idea for notebooking in general. It would be cool to see the kids mix their own illustrations and writing together like this someday.
LOTR 30 Day Challenge~ Day 4: Who is your least and most favorite female character and why? I don't have a least favorite but I suppose Eowyn would be my most favorite because she is willing to die for those she loves. She is beauty and strength.
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totoros - love the outlines, bits of color, printed on a book page.
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Take Me to Totoro Original Studio Ghibli Inspired by AvantPrint, $8.00
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Harry Potter quote. #happiness #inspirational #albusdumbledore for a tattoo??
Wreck this journal ideas
Always looking for something to doAdded to my “crack the spine” page of my Wreck This Journal